
Monthly Shows

We put together an event, the second Saturday of every month. This spring we are finishing up our Ranch Rodeo Series. Join us for Sorting, Calf Scramble, Barrels, Team Branding, and Break Away Roping. For anyone wanting to keep their barrel horse in shape, we are offering a 3D barrel race prior to the show. This event has an 80% payback.

Our events are fun for all beginners are always welcome!


We are currently having roping practices every other Wednesday evening from 6pm-8pm. This is for every level of roper. The cost is $25. per rider. Check out our Facebook, call or text for details.

Wine and Weld

We never let the weather get us down! When it is too cold to ride, we go indoors! Monte helps each of us learn to weld and we create neat horse shoe crafts! Ladies bring your beverage of choice! This is a great evening to get together with friends and have some fun.

Watch our event page for our Wine and Welds.

NBHA Shows

Looking for a place to race with good ground and a friendly atmosphere? Tom and Tammy Lindsay from NY06 team up with us to put on a great show! You do not have to be a member of the NBHA to participate in this event and there is always money added. Current coggins are always required.

Follow NY06 on Facebook for more details on their shows

Kid’s Camp

Kids Camp week is probably one of the best weeks of the year. We have a farrier come to teach the kids about horses feet and a dentist come to teach about their teeth. We teach horsemanship. We make crafts. We play games and we have a blast! Their is nothing like the wonder of children and their love for farm life! Kids enjoy the outdoors, blow off all that energy and go home tired! They usually tire us out too!


“There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.” Sir Winston Churchill

My husband and I owned Rockin’ N Stables for 3 1/2 years, when my brother died suddenly in an automobile accident. Being the oldest child, I took the reins. I made funeral arrangements and took care of most everything. This allowed my sister to grieve while my grief had to wait. It was only when I got back from out of town and stepped into the barn, my tears flowed. I would spend hours brushing, hugging, riding and talking to horses. They seemed to understand and to have a gentleness about them. I would always say, their face is always longer than mine. I will forever be grateful to our farm and the love of the many horses, for they carried me through one of the worst years of my life. I am forever changed by this experience. I can only hope, I am able to give the same gift to someone else who is hurting.   

  Nancy Nicholas

When my dad passed away unexpectedly in March 2019 grief consumed me. I had been going to Rockin’ N for over a year before this, but never realized the true impact it had on my life until this happened. My weekly (sometimes daily) trips to the barn offered a time to heal, to find clarity, and to feel endless amounts of love. Not only does Nancy share her horses, but she also shares her heart and support. The time I spent grooming, riding horses, and even mucking out stalls, helped me to put the pieces back together. I will forever be grateful to Rockin’ N for helping me continue on after my loss.    Mollie Robinson

Spending time around horses is one of the best ways to heal. Our barn door is always open!

Call or Text to schedule a time to visit.

Women’s Retreat